Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Using the principles found in Peter chapters 1-4, write a response to the cry, “It isn’t fair, why do I have so many trials? I’m tired of being ridiculed bu those who do not keep the commandments.”
Rejoice for your trails, because you are partakers of Christ’s suffering, that when he comes again you to may be glad! Look unto Christ as the perfect example of trials. He has endured all and, with his help, so can we. Going through so many trails can only strengthen you faith in the Savior. It’s only for a little time, trials don’t commonly last forever.
You will be polished through the refiners fire and have a gift more precious then gold that dwindles away, being an example to others. Giving testimony to all those around you through your example. Don’t worry about those others people poking fun at you, their judgements mean nothing, put your faith and judgements in the Lord Jesus Christ. You will no longer be a man in ignorance, for you have gone through such trails as to come closer to the understanding of the saving power of the Savior.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Choice #3

Paul concluded his epistle to the Hebrews with some brief teachings and statements of counsel. Read Hebrews 13 and find statements about the following questions.
How should we treat strangers and those “in bonds”?
Hebrews 13:2 “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”
How is marriage looked upon?
Hebrews 13:4 “Marriage is honorable in all. and the bed undefiled: ubt whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.”
What warnings are given about covetousness?
Hebrews 13:5 “Let your conversations be without covetousness; and be content with such thins as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”
What is “the same yesterday , and today, and for ever?”
Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday. and to day , and for ever.”
How are we sanctified?
Hebrews 13:12 “Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate.”
How do we respond to those who rule over us?
Hebrews 13:17 “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.”
Who did Pail ask the people to pray for?
Hebrews 12:18 “Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all thins willing to live honestly .”

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Choice 5: Hebrews 1–2. Jesus Christ Is Greater than Angels
  1. Refer to “Epistle to the Hebrews” in the Bible Dictionary (pp. 746–47). Read the first paragraph and the “Analysis of Hebrews,” number 1–5. Make a list of what Jesus Christ is superior to. 
-Jesus Christ is greater then the angels, he has a more excellent name and inheritance, and a higher calling. He is greater then Moses. His words are more superior, and more superior to the high priest of the law of Moses.
  1. Read Hebrews 1. Make a list of three truths Paul taught about the Savior Jesus Christ.
Paul taught that Jesus made the worlds, he has purged our sins, and that he now sits at the right hand of God.
  1. Read Hebrews 2:7–18; 4:13–16; Alma 7:11–15; Doctrine and Covenants 122:8. In writing describe how these scriptures explain reasons the Son of God came to earth to experience mortality.
Jesus Christ came to the earth to experience mortality to loose the bands of death, to succor those that stood in need of succor, deliver us from the fear of death, suffer the pains and afflictions of the world, taken upon him the our sicknesses and our infirmities, descending below us all.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


CHOICE ONE: Philippians 1-4. Find solutions to Life’s Challenges; For each of the following common challenges, write the counsel from Philippians that you would use to resolve it:
-People sometimes argue and complain over petty matters in church meetings of throughout the week.
We must all be of one accord, one mind. We should do nothing in strife and vainglory, let each esteem others better then themselves. Do all things without murmurings and disputes.
-Many youth feel that their parents’ testimony is sufficient for them. Since they have good parents they rely on them for all their spiritual strength.
Some day those parents, or those children will no longer be in the same house as us. We must work out our own salvation with fear and trembling...not relying on our parents’ testimonies.
-An investigator is considering joining the Church, but his family will no longer associate with him if he does.
One must forget those things which are behind, and reach for what is ahead. Nothing bad can possibly happen for joining Christ’s church. Considering losing the potential knowledge of the Savior if you didn’t join...
-How is this writing assignment an example of the principle taught in 2 Nephi 32:3?
We can learn all things from Christ, even these modern day questions. It’s amazing how the words of Christ are always applicable.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


1.From Romans 3:1-13 answer the following:
What must be done with sin before baptism can occur?
One must understand the atonement and the repentance process must take place before on can be baptized.
What events from Christs life are symbolized in baptism?
Christ’s birth and burial are symbolized in baptism.
Considering this symbolism, why couldn’t someone be baptized by sprinkling?
We must put to death this old life and rise with a newness of life like Christ did. Sprinkling with water would not have the same meaning and symbolism.
What do these verses teach us about how we can maintain the “newness of life”?
 We read that we must to “Let no sin therefore reign in your mortal body...” We are asked to avoid sin and live in Christ.
According to Mosiah 3:19, what part of us would ideally die at baptism?
We must put off the natural man, and become a saint.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers.” 
“...for what  fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?...” Paul is telling the people of Corinth to not be yoked with those of other faiths. This isn’t to say that we can’t be friends with non members, that’s missionary work at it’s best. It’s to say that we aren’t to be held back or moved forward by those of unbelievers, they will usually move you off the path. I see this a lot in the high school years with students. You might be on the football team with nonmembers but it doesn’t mean you need to go to all the parties and crazy stuff.
“Come out from among them, and be ye separate.”
I feel like this passage of scripture is giving reference to us being a strange and peculiar people. We will stand out of the world with our values and principles, making us completely separate from the worlds principles and values. One can stand up for your beliefs and principles when encountered with conflicting principles, walking out on a inappropriate movie, saying no to an alcoholic drink when everyone else is drinking...etc.
“Touch not the unclean thing”
Pretty simple, don’t touch the unclean thing. Avoid contact with sin, avoid the appearance of sin. DON’T TOUCH IT! I remember as a kid, there was a penny candy store, and they sold gum cigarettes. A cylinder of gum with a piece of paper wrapped around it, with powered sugar in between them both. Before you chewed the gum you would pretend to smoke, or puff the cigarette blowing the powered sugar out from your mouth. Well, others saw me do this, and my mother got calls about me smoking. Big misunderstanding but it was the appearance of evil that got me in potential trouble.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


  1. Read Luke 22:19  and identify the important word Luke used in describing the sacrament that Nephi also used but Paul did not.
2. What is the difference between what is taught in 1 Corinthians 11:27-29 and 3 Nephi 18:28-29 with regard to the counsel about when to not partake of the sacrament?
In Corinthians, Paul says to allow the person eat and drink of the sacrament unworthily, and in 3 Nephi, Nephi suggest that we forbid him from partaking.
3. What did Paul teach that explains why we don’t want to partake of the sacrament unworthily?
Paul gives a warning that if we are to partake of the sacrament unworthily, we are “...guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.”
  1. What can you do to make the sacrament a more meaningful experience in your life both on Sundays and during the week?
During the sacrament on Sunday, I like to think of the sacrament as a funeral. The funeral is for Christ, and at any funeral we commemorate the deceased, the deceased being Christ. Thinking of the sacrament table as the body and blood of Christ covered up with a white cloth. By doing that I am more focused on the Atonement of Christ.


Ways in which Christ is like a “Rock”:
A rock is strong and immovable. Christ can be strong and immovable. A rock is  steadfast and hard, Christ is steadfast and hard. A rock can be used for a foundation, Christ and his Gospel is the foundation of our faith and testimony.
Verse 13 of chapter 10 is reassuring because:
Looking at all the sins Paul mentions in the selected verses, and keeping in mind all the sins available today, verse 13 is really reassuring. It’s reassuring because any sin....ANY SIN that is here and that we are tempted by, can be overcome with Christ help. Nothing that is thrown our way will or can overtake us. Nothing is impossible.
Why Paul discussed Christ as a “rock” in the same verse as 13:
Having reference of Christ being the “rock” in verse 13 is mentioned because we need that assurance of something true, steadfast and loyal. A rock is like that and we can trust in Christ in this promise. 
How Alma 13:28 expands our understanding of what Paul taught in 1 Corinthians 10:13:
The verse in Alma expands our understanding of the verse in Corinthians in a way that we are required to do something. We can’t just expect a sin that can’t be overcome, but we need to pray that we can overcome it. By doing this we become patient, humble, meek, submissive, full of love, and all-long-suffering.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Choice #1
A. 5 Things Paul performed with the proper priesthood authority:
a. Baptism
b. Conferring the Gift of the Holy Ghost
c. Administered the Sacrament
d. Performed blessings to the sick
e. Brought back life into somebody
  1. What did Paul do for the Corinthians saints because it hand’t been done right the first time?
    1. The baptisms and the conferring of the gift of the Holy Ghost.
  2. How does this help answer the question many nonmembers have about the need of being baptized when they have already been baptized.
    1. This actually helps a lot. Nonmembers need to be baptized by someone holding the proper authority in order for the ordinance to do it’s thing. Just like a Cop can give you a ticket for speeding, and not the Ice Cream man. God has a house of order and things are done a certain way. Take this example as an example.
  3. In what way did Paul bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost?
    1. Acts 19:6 “And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.” Just the same way we do now. Paul holds the priesthood, and laid his hands on the people of Corinth and conferred the gift of the Holy Ghost.
  4. On what day of the week did the saints meet to break bread? What evidence is there in John 20:1, 19 for why the Sabbath day was changed?
    1. The saints gathered for the sacrament on the FIRST DAY of the week, SUNDAY. Christ was crucified on a Friday, and rose on the 3rd day after that (including Friday) and that was Sunday. We partake of the Sacrament to help us remember this glorious event.

Saturday, April 30, 2011


  1. From Bible Map 13, a list of 4 cities that Paul visited, and later wrote epistles to:
    1. Ephesus
    2. Corinth
    3. Philippi
    4. Thessalonica 
Paul and his companions were forbidden by the Holy Ghost to preach in Asia, and wanted to preach in Bithynia but the spirit said no. Paul was visited in a dream by the Holy Ghost to preach to the people of Macedonia. Another vision at night to Paul from the Lord encouraging him to speak, and reassuring him that He is with him.
During my mission I have felt the influences of the Holy Ghost, maybe not as drastic as Paul (dreams, visions) but subtle things. Guiding me in which street to knock, and what to say in conversation that led to the gospel. Many wonderful blessing have come of following the Holy Ghost. I could pray directly to be given talents to notice the Holy Ghost more, in order to have more missionary experiences.
2.Reasons why Paul was able to preach the Gospel so effectively:
  1. Visions on where to go
  2. Immediatley acted to go and do what was asked
  3. Baptized
  4. Prayed often
  5. Spirit of divination
  6. Casted out devils
  7. Sang praises unto God
  8. Protected others
-In what ways did Paul turn his experiences into missionary opportunities?
The coolest example that I found worth mentioning, is when Paul and Silas sang praises unto God while in prison. By doing that, that led to the missionary experience with the jailer.
-What can you learn from Paul’s missionary experiences?
What I learned from Pauls missionary experiences is to make a good thing come out of a bad thing. Being thrown into prison can be pretty bad...but immediately he turned it into a missionary experience. He also acted immediately after having a dream about going to Macedonia, the next morning he was on his way.
-How is the jailer an example of a true convert?
I think the jailer is an example of a true convert because he had already reacted to the power of God. He knew what Paul and Silas were capable of. The whole prison shook, the earth beneath him fell. From being apart of that, the jailer knew then on that whatever these guys had was important and powerful. He will probably never betray God, because of this eye witness of what God could do.
-What can you do now to better prepare yourself to share the gospel, whether as a full-time missionary or as a member?
I think one of the main attributes that I saw and felt as to helping me with missionary work was study. Studying in the way of knowing that I will be asked this question, or that question. Having that knowledge stored away inside me, and able, by the power of the Holy Ghost, and able to recite it at a necessary time.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Choice 1: Acts 1-12 An introduction and Overview
  1. A list of the several themes that the book of Acts emphasizes, from chapter summaries of Acts 1-8; 10-12 and the bible dictionary entry “Acts of the Apostles”:
-Major missionary work of the 12
-Travels and missionary work of Saul
-Recitation of early missionary efforts
-Opening of gospel to peoples other than the Jews
-Account of the Ascension
-Missionary work in Jerusalem
-Dispersion of Church members throughout Judaea and Samaria
-More missionary work in Samaria
-The gradual outreach of the Church to Jews, non-Jewish Israelites, and then to non-Israelite person previously converted to Judaism.
-Coming of Saul into the Church
-Opening of the door for the world wide extension of the gospel
-Activity of the Church at Antioch
-Missionary activity of Paul
  1. A list of what Peter was doing in each chapter, from the chapter summaries of Acts 2-5; 8-10; 12:
-Testifies of Jesus’ resurrection 
-Tells how to gain salvation
-Speaks of the Holy Ghost
-Healing of man lame from birth
-Preaches repentance
-Speaks of age of restoration after Second Coming
-Names Christ as Prophet that Mose spake of
-Thrown in jail
-Testifies that salvation comes of Christ
-Arrested again, and is delivered out by and angel
-Testify of Christ
-Confer the gift of the Holy Ghost by laying on of hands
-Rebukes Simon, can’t purchase the Priesthood
-Heals AEneas  and raises Dorcas from death
-See’s vision in which he is commanded to take gospel to Gentiles
-Angel frees him from prison again


Welp, moving one from one semester to the other!

From here on out, I will be posting assignments from my NEW TESTAMENT 2 class.

Friday, April 8, 2011


CHOICE 1: Luke 10:1-24
Two by two. Send them out as missionaries to harvest every city. Reminds that there are more people to teach then there are teaching. Heal the sick. Bless the homes you enter. You will have power over the Devil. You are blessed for what you have seen, and heard. 
The 6th Article of Faith goes through a list of priesthood positions that have been designed by God to organize his church. Luke 10:1-2 describes the 70’s in which we have and 8-9 gives an account of, I believe to be Home Teachers, which we practice with the Elders quorum. Verses 17-20 gives an example of the priesthood power to have power over the devils and all evil things, which we have if one is worthy of it.
The scriptures give an account and mention of the quorum of the 70 in Ex. 24:1,9 in the old testament as well as in Num. 11:16, Ezek 8:11. The church cannot run without the priesthood, with out it it cannot stand. We are so privileged to know that we have the priesthood on the earth and proper organization.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Choice 2: Luke 1:5-80. The Birth of John the Baptist
Zacharias is told that he will have JOY and GLADNESS, with the birth of his son John. And that many people will rejoice at his birth.
People will rejoice over John the baptists birth because:
  1. He’s going to be a great missionary (Luke 1:16)
  2. He will “turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just.” (Luke 1:17)
  3. He will reveal the gospel, and explain the remission of sins. (Luke 1:77)
  4. And he will also “...give light to them that sit in the darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace” (Luke 1:79)

Thursday, March 17, 2011


John 13: 34-35
How can others know that we are disciples of Jesus Christ?
Showing our love is one thing, but the way I think we are asked to hear is a more Christ like love.  An important phrase in these scriptures are “as I have loved you...” Well the love that Christ has shown us...He did die for us, He did pay the debt, He did make it possible for all of us to return to our Heavenly Father, He did create this earth as a learning academy, He did rise again, so we all can rise. He’s done a lot for us, the least we could do is spread that love to his children. If you look at it like that (His children) wouldn’t you want your kids (if you have any) to treat other kids nicely, and with love, and vis versa, other kids treating your kids nicely? Who wouldn’t. So applicable to us as humans. It’s amazing.
Ways disciples of Christ would respond, according to John 13: 34-35.
A. Some one I know, is made fun of and ridiculed for the way they dress.
  1. I’d say that depends on the way they are ridiculed. Are they being ridiculed because the dress up like nerd/dorky? Or are they being ridiculed because they dress inappropriately? If they were a nerd, I’d say “Don’t let them get you down, you’re way smarter then they are... You look intelligent and sophisticated.” If they were dressed inappropriately it’s a hole different ball game, “Yeah, you know what, as beautiful as you are, you don’t need to be wearing such skimpy clothing. You have other great features that show others how pretty you are...” Something like that.
  1. I see a new person at church.
  1. Well anyone ought to welcome anyone new into the ward. “Hi and welcome, I’m Brent, this is my wife and kids, Alexa, Jet, Kruz, and Flynn. Here are our friends Kyle and Jeree and their baby Chloe...where did ya’ll move from? Where are you working? Going to School? What for?” Stuff like that. People like to talk about themselves and they feel more comfortable when they do.
List of thing I can do this week to show my wife I love her.
-spend time with her and only her.
-take her on a date and plan it out before
-make her some artwork
-kiss her every morning and tell her she’s beautiful
-hold her hand
-introduce her as “My lovely wife Alexa”

Saturday, March 5, 2011


  1. Overview of the last week of the Saviors Mortal Ministry
DAY1- Arrives in Jerusalem. Rode in on a donkey. There was a great multitude of people there to see him, and knew he was “the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee”. Shouted  “Hosanna in the highest.” Retired in Bethany.
DAY2- The Savior challenges the Jews leadership by waking up early and going to the Temple and drive out the merchants and money changers. Later retired to Bethany.
DAY3- The priest of the temple didn’t like what happened, so the next day Jesus returns the temple, and the priest question his authority. Jesus replies in parables. After this point Jesus no longer teaches the public, but only the 12. The Jewish leaders plotted the death of Jesus, and one of the 12 volunteered to assist.
DAY4- Jesus knew of the plot. He spent the day outside perhaps the city Bethany.
DAY5- Jesus sets up a Passover Meal privately with the 12. He introduces the ordinance of the sacrament. And prophesies his death, and the betrayal. Offers the great intercessory prayer. Judas left. Jesus took the 11 to the outside walls of Gethsemane. Took Peter, James, and John with him further into the Garden, and He went off to pray. Pled with the Father to “let this cup pass from me...” Cup did not pass and Jesus suffered the pains of all men. Bled from every pore. Judas and a mob approach and take Jesus to trial.
DAY6- Jesus is charged with 2 crimes, blasphemy, and a capitol offender of Jewish law. Solely convicted of these changers on him calling himself the Son of God, and King of the Jews. Pilate knew Jesus was not guilty of these charges but the Jews led the people in riot to kill Jesus. Jesus’s crucifixion sentence is pronounced. By Roman practice Jesus was crucified. Jesus gave up his spirit voluntarily. Next day was Passover and the Saviors body was taken down and placed in a tomb but town revering disciples.
DAY7- Jewish Sabbath, and Jesus’s body remained in the tomb. We know that he ministered in the realm of departed spirits.
DAY OF THE RESURRECTION- “good news”=Gospel. Christ if risen and showed himself unto many witnesses. Mary was the first to see him. John 20:31.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Principle 1- Matthew 20:12-13 “...It is written, my house shall be called the house of prayer...” This is referring to the account of the Lord entering into the Temple and he see’s all the money changers and the shops set up there, and he rebukes everyone. I think of this like, Temples are only to be used as Temples. There is a time and place for everything, even when it comes to selling yours just don’t do it at the Temple.
Principle 2- Mark 12: 30-31 “ the Lord thy God,...Love thy neighbor as thyself...” Wow, these are the two greatest’d think it would be easy to do these. Just two things, no problem. We got this. But how do we show our love to God? “...If ye Love me Keep my commandments..” (John 15:10) and that entails a lot.
Principle 3- Mark 11:24-25 “...forgive, if ye have ought to forgive any...” I’m referring to prayer and asking in faith. Not only faith and a hope that ye shall receive but we must be clean from all spot. Forgive others so that God may forgive you. It’s simple enough right? Easier said then done sometimes. We allow pride to so easily enter and destroy and prevent God’s blessings that he is willing to give us.

Monday, February 21, 2011


PRINCIPLE 1- Matthew 19:24 “...a camel go through the eye of a needle...” The first time that I read this scripture, I had imagined a large camel starring at a needle... And I thought this was going to be impossible. But James E. Talmage gives us further insight. 
In order to enter into the kingdom of God, we must strip ourselves of all worldly possessions.
PRINCIPLE 2- Luke 16:13 “...No servant cane serve two masters...” We cannot serve God and Mammon(Bible dictionary, Mammon- an Aramaic word meaning riches...) I believe it’s getting increasingly harder to  have this separation. I first think of the technology that goes into everything, and how convenient everything is starting to be. I also think of our own little idols that replace God in our lives.
PRINCIPLE 3-  Luke 18:16-17 “...suffer little children...” In order to enter into the kingdom of God, we must become “submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him...” Mosiah 3:19. I love how the bible and the Book of Mormon compliment each other. There are many occasions in which the Lord says in the bible to be as little children, but never an explanation of it. The Book of Mormon does so with ease.


Luke 10:1-24 “The Lord appointed other Seventy also”
1.Summary of Lord’s counsel and instructions to Seventy- Two and two into every city and place.Pray unto God for laborers. Don’t take anything with you. Bless homes as you travel. As you travel into cities, eat the food that is before you. If the town does not receive you, then dust off your shoes, but be sure of doing that. He that heareth you heareth the Lord, and he that doesn’t like you doesn’t like the Lord. The Lord gives them power over Satan. “Your names are written in Heaven.” Give thanks unto God for your blessings.
2.Article of Faith 1:6 “We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church.” It’s interesting for me to read this scripture mostly because of my mission, Texas Fort Worth. In the Bible belt, the South, in every single town I was in, there were always several different churches that found it hard to believe in a Prophet, 12 Apostles, or if we got into it a quorum of the 70’s. It was easy to return their remarks and their reasoning for not having Prophets and Apostles, with this Article of Faith. Why not believe in the same exact organization as the Church that Christ had while he was on the earth. Huh, this church makes so much sense, I love it.
3. On the Churches scripture website the topic “Seventy” reads as follows “An office to which men are ordained in the Melchizedek Priesthood. Today, the quorums of Seventy are General Authorities of the Church who are given the apostolic authority but are not ordained Apostles. They devote their full time to the ministry.”  Simple right? This explains exactly what Luke was talking about in chapter 10. Seventy men that hold the priesthood, dedicated to the ministry...BAM!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


LUKE 10-14
PRINCIPLE 1- Luke 11:17”...a house divided against itself cannot stand...” How true this is in many applications. When ever I think of this principle, my mind goes to sports. I played a lot of sports in high school, football being one. As a team unit we each had our jobs to do and each had the same goal to accomplish. If one player was secretly trying to win for the other team that would effect my entire team greatly. Especially if that traitor was in an important position like a quarter back,  or a free safety. It a guaranty “fall” for the team. So, figure out whose side you’re on and go with the herd.
PRINCIPLE 2- Luke 11:33 “...he hath a lighted candle...” Another good principle that can be applied to several occasions. Of course in context we’re talking about the gospel and sharing it. It being the light to this dark world and having it guide us through our paths. But we could also see it with our talents. If we’re given talents, and we hide them under a bueno. We need to show our talents to all around us.
PRINCIPLE 3- Luke 14: 33 “...forsake all he had to become a disciple...” This principle kind of goes a long with last weeks readings. If we are going to dedicate ourselves to the Lord, then do it, and only it. I think about my mission and how wonderful it was to not worry about school, about homework, about finding work. It’s crazy, once I realized that on my mission, I became a better missionary, I wasn’t as tired at the end of the day, the work went smoother. It was just better.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I choose option 2
I made a Blog entry
I choose this option because, It’s always been a good question to ask myself. Why can’t we perform miracles?
I like doing the Blog entrees, for everyone to see. I think I need more followers so the gospel can reach others.
MATTHEW 17:14-21, List three things the Savior said were needed for the disciples to heal the man.
Next to each reference write what it teaches is needed for miracles to happen:
3 Nephi 18:20- Do it in the name of Christ, If it be right, believe it will happen
D&C 50:29- Purified with no sin, do it in the name of Christ
D&C 42:48- If you’ll exercise faith, and if it be right.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


PRINCIPLE 1- Matthew 16:17 “ Father has revealed it unto thee...” Jesus has just asked Peter who he is, and Peter gave his answer. Jesus replies “Blessed art thou, Simon (Peter)...for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, bit my Father which is in heaven.” In order to truly have any sort of testimony, one must gain it from our Father in heaven.
PRINCIPLE 2- Matthew 18:3-4 “...humble as a little child...” The disciples ask the Savior “...who is the greatest in heaven?” Jesus calls for a child to be with them, and he says, “be converted, and become as a little child...humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” There are several requirements to entering the kingdom of heaven, but thats not what the disciples asked. They asked who is the greatest in heaven. In order to become the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, one must become humble as a little child.
PRINCIPLE 3- “Luke 9:61-62 “...I’ll follow you, but wait a second would ya?...” A volunteer as just said “I will follow thee; but let me first go bid them farewell, which are at home at my house.”  Jesus says “No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” If you’re going to dedicate your life to the Lord, then do it. Leave all your past and prior engagements behind and always look forward trusting in the Lord that all is well behind you.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


PRINCIPLE 1- Matthew14:31 “O thou of little faith...” When the Lord invites you to join him, it is possible to do so. Jesus was walking on water towards the boat that his disciples were on. Peter wished to join him and he was on the water for a little bit but couldn’t believe it, so he sank. We must ask the Lord, and he will invite if it so be, and then we must press forward with not doubt.
PRINCIPLE 2- Mark 6:46 “...into a mountain to pray...” When you pray, pray unto God in a secluded area. Jesus leaves his disciples and goes unto a mountain to pray. Mountains mean a lot of different things. In this case I feel it being closer to God, and quiet, away from all the noise.

PRINCIPLE 3- St John 6:35 “...I am the bread of Life...” Do we rely on the Lord as much as we do food? We must develop an appetite for the Lord. Have you tasted of the Lord yet? Do we even know what he taste like? Come to know the Savior and you’ll never hunger again.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


                  1. Matthew 11:1-19, Luke 7:18-35
Disciples of John the Baptist asked Christ- 
“Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?”
What I would have told John-
YES! This is the Messiah, he is working miracles and, the blind can see, the lame can walk, and the lepers are cleansed. 

2.Institute Student Manual, pg.66, commentary on Matthew 11:2-3
Why John wanted his disciples to go to Jesus-
John sent his disciples to ask if Jesus is the Christ because, John was trying to get rid of them. Don’t take as something bad, but John didn’t need to ask Jesus if he was the Messiah, he know already. That’s why he wanted his disciples to ask, in hope that they would follow their true master, Jesus the Christ.

3.Institute Student Manual, pg.66, commentary on Matthew 11:11
Three reasons why John is among the greatest prophets-
1.He was entrusted with the divines mission of preparing the way before the face of the Lord.
2.He was entrusted with the important mission,and it was required at his hands, to baptize the Son of Man.
3.John, at that time, was the only legal administrator in the affairs of the kingdom there was then on the earth, and holding the keys of power.
                   4.John 3:30
How John felt toward the Savior-
He knew who the Savior was. In John 3:30, “He (Christ) must increase, but I (John) must decrease.” So many people considered John to be the Messiah...He knew he wasn’t, he also know who was. He wanted those that followed him, to follow the Savior.
Makes me think of all the people that we look up to...mortals, movie stars, authors, heros etc. All nothing compared to the Savior. People pay hundreds of dollars to watch movies, people pay millions of dollars to make a movie. How much have we spent to glorify God? I’m not saying that money is the only measurement of glory, no not at all. But sacrifice, time, energy, effort. See what you can do.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


PRINCIPLE 1- Matthew 11:28- “Come unto me...and I will give you rest.”
In order for anyone to receive sufficient rest, one must learn of the Savior. No matter what that person has going on in their life (ie. work, school, family, church callings, anything) we can rely on the Lord to help us and have HIS yoke upon us, which is “...easy, and my burden is light.”
PRINCIPLE 2- St Mark 5:19- “...Go home to thy friends...”
If the Lord has shown you compassion, or if he has assisted you in any way, we are told to go to our homes, and tell our friends what we have experienced. Share the Gospel with your friends and family, so that they may believe in Him.
PRINCIPLE 3- St Mark 4:21-23- “...candlestick...”
If you are given light, or understanding, or if you learn something new at church, we are required to share that new given knowledge with those around us. Nothing of the Lord should be hid behind television, video games, sports. Share it with all that it will effect, which is anyone you come in contact with.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


St Mark 5:19- “...Go home to thy friends...”
If the Lord has shown you compassion, or if he has assisted you in any way, we are told to go to our homes, and tell our friends what we have experienced. Share the Gospel with your friends and family, so that they may believe in Him.
After serving a mission and then reading made me think of what I had done to share the gospel with my friends at home. Like everyone says, it’s hard to share the gospel with your friends. I grew up in Northern California and in high school I had a lot of non member friends. When I got home I told my self I was going to share the gospel with everyone, but I didn’t...not really...not as much as I could have, not like I did on the mission. Welp, there is never a better time then now to share the gospel, which is why I’m choosing to submit Blog entrees for my share and report assignments.