Wednesday, February 2, 2011


PRINCIPLE 1- Matthew14:31 “O thou of little faith...” When the Lord invites you to join him, it is possible to do so. Jesus was walking on water towards the boat that his disciples were on. Peter wished to join him and he was on the water for a little bit but couldn’t believe it, so he sank. We must ask the Lord, and he will invite if it so be, and then we must press forward with not doubt.
PRINCIPLE 2- Mark 6:46 “...into a mountain to pray...” When you pray, pray unto God in a secluded area. Jesus leaves his disciples and goes unto a mountain to pray. Mountains mean a lot of different things. In this case I feel it being closer to God, and quiet, away from all the noise.

PRINCIPLE 3- St John 6:35 “...I am the bread of Life...” Do we rely on the Lord as much as we do food? We must develop an appetite for the Lord. Have you tasted of the Lord yet? Do we even know what he taste like? Come to know the Savior and you’ll never hunger again.

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