CHOICE 1: Luke 10:1-24
Two by two. Send them out as missionaries to harvest every city. Reminds that there are more people to teach then there are teaching. Heal the sick. Bless the homes you enter. You will have power over the Devil. You are blessed for what you have seen, and heard.
The 6th Article of Faith goes through a list of priesthood positions that have been designed by God to organize his church. Luke 10:1-2 describes the 70’s in which we have and 8-9 gives an account of, I believe to be Home Teachers, which we practice with the Elders quorum. Verses 17-20 gives an example of the priesthood power to have power over the devils and all evil things, which we have if one is worthy of it.
The scriptures give an account and mention of the quorum of the 70 in Ex. 24:1,9 in the old testament as well as in Num. 11:16, Ezek 8:11. The church cannot run without the priesthood, with out it it cannot stand. We are so privileged to know that we have the priesthood on the earth and proper organization.
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