Saturday, April 30, 2011


  1. From Bible Map 13, a list of 4 cities that Paul visited, and later wrote epistles to:
    1. Ephesus
    2. Corinth
    3. Philippi
    4. Thessalonica 
Paul and his companions were forbidden by the Holy Ghost to preach in Asia, and wanted to preach in Bithynia but the spirit said no. Paul was visited in a dream by the Holy Ghost to preach to the people of Macedonia. Another vision at night to Paul from the Lord encouraging him to speak, and reassuring him that He is with him.
During my mission I have felt the influences of the Holy Ghost, maybe not as drastic as Paul (dreams, visions) but subtle things. Guiding me in which street to knock, and what to say in conversation that led to the gospel. Many wonderful blessing have come of following the Holy Ghost. I could pray directly to be given talents to notice the Holy Ghost more, in order to have more missionary experiences.
2.Reasons why Paul was able to preach the Gospel so effectively:
  1. Visions on where to go
  2. Immediatley acted to go and do what was asked
  3. Baptized
  4. Prayed often
  5. Spirit of divination
  6. Casted out devils
  7. Sang praises unto God
  8. Protected others
-In what ways did Paul turn his experiences into missionary opportunities?
The coolest example that I found worth mentioning, is when Paul and Silas sang praises unto God while in prison. By doing that, that led to the missionary experience with the jailer.
-What can you learn from Paul’s missionary experiences?
What I learned from Pauls missionary experiences is to make a good thing come out of a bad thing. Being thrown into prison can be pretty bad...but immediately he turned it into a missionary experience. He also acted immediately after having a dream about going to Macedonia, the next morning he was on his way.
-How is the jailer an example of a true convert?
I think the jailer is an example of a true convert because he had already reacted to the power of God. He knew what Paul and Silas were capable of. The whole prison shook, the earth beneath him fell. From being apart of that, the jailer knew then on that whatever these guys had was important and powerful. He will probably never betray God, because of this eye witness of what God could do.
-What can you do now to better prepare yourself to share the gospel, whether as a full-time missionary or as a member?
I think one of the main attributes that I saw and felt as to helping me with missionary work was study. Studying in the way of knowing that I will be asked this question, or that question. Having that knowledge stored away inside me, and able, by the power of the Holy Ghost, and able to recite it at a necessary time.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Choice 1: Acts 1-12 An introduction and Overview
  1. A list of the several themes that the book of Acts emphasizes, from chapter summaries of Acts 1-8; 10-12 and the bible dictionary entry “Acts of the Apostles”:
-Major missionary work of the 12
-Travels and missionary work of Saul
-Recitation of early missionary efforts
-Opening of gospel to peoples other than the Jews
-Account of the Ascension
-Missionary work in Jerusalem
-Dispersion of Church members throughout Judaea and Samaria
-More missionary work in Samaria
-The gradual outreach of the Church to Jews, non-Jewish Israelites, and then to non-Israelite person previously converted to Judaism.
-Coming of Saul into the Church
-Opening of the door for the world wide extension of the gospel
-Activity of the Church at Antioch
-Missionary activity of Paul
  1. A list of what Peter was doing in each chapter, from the chapter summaries of Acts 2-5; 8-10; 12:
-Testifies of Jesus’ resurrection 
-Tells how to gain salvation
-Speaks of the Holy Ghost
-Healing of man lame from birth
-Preaches repentance
-Speaks of age of restoration after Second Coming
-Names Christ as Prophet that Mose spake of
-Thrown in jail
-Testifies that salvation comes of Christ
-Arrested again, and is delivered out by and angel
-Testify of Christ
-Confer the gift of the Holy Ghost by laying on of hands
-Rebukes Simon, can’t purchase the Priesthood
-Heals AEneas  and raises Dorcas from death
-See’s vision in which he is commanded to take gospel to Gentiles
-Angel frees him from prison again


Welp, moving one from one semester to the other!

From here on out, I will be posting assignments from my NEW TESTAMENT 2 class.

Friday, April 8, 2011


CHOICE 1: Luke 10:1-24
Two by two. Send them out as missionaries to harvest every city. Reminds that there are more people to teach then there are teaching. Heal the sick. Bless the homes you enter. You will have power over the Devil. You are blessed for what you have seen, and heard. 
The 6th Article of Faith goes through a list of priesthood positions that have been designed by God to organize his church. Luke 10:1-2 describes the 70’s in which we have and 8-9 gives an account of, I believe to be Home Teachers, which we practice with the Elders quorum. Verses 17-20 gives an example of the priesthood power to have power over the devils and all evil things, which we have if one is worthy of it.
The scriptures give an account and mention of the quorum of the 70 in Ex. 24:1,9 in the old testament as well as in Num. 11:16, Ezek 8:11. The church cannot run without the priesthood, with out it it cannot stand. We are so privileged to know that we have the priesthood on the earth and proper organization.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Choice 2: Luke 1:5-80. The Birth of John the Baptist
Zacharias is told that he will have JOY and GLADNESS, with the birth of his son John. And that many people will rejoice at his birth.
People will rejoice over John the baptists birth because:
  1. He’s going to be a great missionary (Luke 1:16)
  2. He will “turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just.” (Luke 1:17)
  3. He will reveal the gospel, and explain the remission of sins. (Luke 1:77)
  4. And he will also “...give light to them that sit in the darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace” (Luke 1:79)