Thursday, March 17, 2011


John 13: 34-35
How can others know that we are disciples of Jesus Christ?
Showing our love is one thing, but the way I think we are asked to hear is a more Christ like love.  An important phrase in these scriptures are “as I have loved you...” Well the love that Christ has shown us...He did die for us, He did pay the debt, He did make it possible for all of us to return to our Heavenly Father, He did create this earth as a learning academy, He did rise again, so we all can rise. He’s done a lot for us, the least we could do is spread that love to his children. If you look at it like that (His children) wouldn’t you want your kids (if you have any) to treat other kids nicely, and with love, and vis versa, other kids treating your kids nicely? Who wouldn’t. So applicable to us as humans. It’s amazing.
Ways disciples of Christ would respond, according to John 13: 34-35.
A. Some one I know, is made fun of and ridiculed for the way they dress.
  1. I’d say that depends on the way they are ridiculed. Are they being ridiculed because the dress up like nerd/dorky? Or are they being ridiculed because they dress inappropriately? If they were a nerd, I’d say “Don’t let them get you down, you’re way smarter then they are... You look intelligent and sophisticated.” If they were dressed inappropriately it’s a hole different ball game, “Yeah, you know what, as beautiful as you are, you don’t need to be wearing such skimpy clothing. You have other great features that show others how pretty you are...” Something like that.
  1. I see a new person at church.
  1. Well anyone ought to welcome anyone new into the ward. “Hi and welcome, I’m Brent, this is my wife and kids, Alexa, Jet, Kruz, and Flynn. Here are our friends Kyle and Jeree and their baby Chloe...where did ya’ll move from? Where are you working? Going to School? What for?” Stuff like that. People like to talk about themselves and they feel more comfortable when they do.
List of thing I can do this week to show my wife I love her.
-spend time with her and only her.
-take her on a date and plan it out before
-make her some artwork
-kiss her every morning and tell her she’s beautiful
-hold her hand
-introduce her as “My lovely wife Alexa”

Saturday, March 5, 2011


  1. Overview of the last week of the Saviors Mortal Ministry
DAY1- Arrives in Jerusalem. Rode in on a donkey. There was a great multitude of people there to see him, and knew he was “the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee”. Shouted  “Hosanna in the highest.” Retired in Bethany.
DAY2- The Savior challenges the Jews leadership by waking up early and going to the Temple and drive out the merchants and money changers. Later retired to Bethany.
DAY3- The priest of the temple didn’t like what happened, so the next day Jesus returns the temple, and the priest question his authority. Jesus replies in parables. After this point Jesus no longer teaches the public, but only the 12. The Jewish leaders plotted the death of Jesus, and one of the 12 volunteered to assist.
DAY4- Jesus knew of the plot. He spent the day outside perhaps the city Bethany.
DAY5- Jesus sets up a Passover Meal privately with the 12. He introduces the ordinance of the sacrament. And prophesies his death, and the betrayal. Offers the great intercessory prayer. Judas left. Jesus took the 11 to the outside walls of Gethsemane. Took Peter, James, and John with him further into the Garden, and He went off to pray. Pled with the Father to “let this cup pass from me...” Cup did not pass and Jesus suffered the pains of all men. Bled from every pore. Judas and a mob approach and take Jesus to trial.
DAY6- Jesus is charged with 2 crimes, blasphemy, and a capitol offender of Jewish law. Solely convicted of these changers on him calling himself the Son of God, and King of the Jews. Pilate knew Jesus was not guilty of these charges but the Jews led the people in riot to kill Jesus. Jesus’s crucifixion sentence is pronounced. By Roman practice Jesus was crucified. Jesus gave up his spirit voluntarily. Next day was Passover and the Saviors body was taken down and placed in a tomb but town revering disciples.
DAY7- Jewish Sabbath, and Jesus’s body remained in the tomb. We know that he ministered in the realm of departed spirits.
DAY OF THE RESURRECTION- “good news”=Gospel. Christ if risen and showed himself unto many witnesses. Mary was the first to see him. John 20:31.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Principle 1- Matthew 20:12-13 “...It is written, my house shall be called the house of prayer...” This is referring to the account of the Lord entering into the Temple and he see’s all the money changers and the shops set up there, and he rebukes everyone. I think of this like, Temples are only to be used as Temples. There is a time and place for everything, even when it comes to selling yours just don’t do it at the Temple.
Principle 2- Mark 12: 30-31 “ the Lord thy God,...Love thy neighbor as thyself...” Wow, these are the two greatest’d think it would be easy to do these. Just two things, no problem. We got this. But how do we show our love to God? “...If ye Love me Keep my commandments..” (John 15:10) and that entails a lot.
Principle 3- Mark 11:24-25 “...forgive, if ye have ought to forgive any...” I’m referring to prayer and asking in faith. Not only faith and a hope that ye shall receive but we must be clean from all spot. Forgive others so that God may forgive you. It’s simple enough right? Easier said then done sometimes. We allow pride to so easily enter and destroy and prevent God’s blessings that he is willing to give us.