Thursday, January 27, 2011


                  1. Matthew 11:1-19, Luke 7:18-35
Disciples of John the Baptist asked Christ- 
“Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?”
What I would have told John-
YES! This is the Messiah, he is working miracles and, the blind can see, the lame can walk, and the lepers are cleansed. 

2.Institute Student Manual, pg.66, commentary on Matthew 11:2-3
Why John wanted his disciples to go to Jesus-
John sent his disciples to ask if Jesus is the Christ because, John was trying to get rid of them. Don’t take as something bad, but John didn’t need to ask Jesus if he was the Messiah, he know already. That’s why he wanted his disciples to ask, in hope that they would follow their true master, Jesus the Christ.

3.Institute Student Manual, pg.66, commentary on Matthew 11:11
Three reasons why John is among the greatest prophets-
1.He was entrusted with the divines mission of preparing the way before the face of the Lord.
2.He was entrusted with the important mission,and it was required at his hands, to baptize the Son of Man.
3.John, at that time, was the only legal administrator in the affairs of the kingdom there was then on the earth, and holding the keys of power.
                   4.John 3:30
How John felt toward the Savior-
He knew who the Savior was. In John 3:30, “He (Christ) must increase, but I (John) must decrease.” So many people considered John to be the Messiah...He knew he wasn’t, he also know who was. He wanted those that followed him, to follow the Savior.
Makes me think of all the people that we look up to...mortals, movie stars, authors, heros etc. All nothing compared to the Savior. People pay hundreds of dollars to watch movies, people pay millions of dollars to make a movie. How much have we spent to glorify God? I’m not saying that money is the only measurement of glory, no not at all. But sacrifice, time, energy, effort. See what you can do.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


PRINCIPLE 1- Matthew 11:28- “Come unto me...and I will give you rest.”
In order for anyone to receive sufficient rest, one must learn of the Savior. No matter what that person has going on in their life (ie. work, school, family, church callings, anything) we can rely on the Lord to help us and have HIS yoke upon us, which is “...easy, and my burden is light.”
PRINCIPLE 2- St Mark 5:19- “...Go home to thy friends...”
If the Lord has shown you compassion, or if he has assisted you in any way, we are told to go to our homes, and tell our friends what we have experienced. Share the Gospel with your friends and family, so that they may believe in Him.
PRINCIPLE 3- St Mark 4:21-23- “...candlestick...”
If you are given light, or understanding, or if you learn something new at church, we are required to share that new given knowledge with those around us. Nothing of the Lord should be hid behind television, video games, sports. Share it with all that it will effect, which is anyone you come in contact with.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


St Mark 5:19- “...Go home to thy friends...”
If the Lord has shown you compassion, or if he has assisted you in any way, we are told to go to our homes, and tell our friends what we have experienced. Share the Gospel with your friends and family, so that they may believe in Him.
After serving a mission and then reading made me think of what I had done to share the gospel with my friends at home. Like everyone says, it’s hard to share the gospel with your friends. I grew up in Northern California and in high school I had a lot of non member friends. When I got home I told my self I was going to share the gospel with everyone, but I didn’t...not really...not as much as I could have, not like I did on the mission. Welp, there is never a better time then now to share the gospel, which is why I’m choosing to submit Blog entrees for my share and report assignments.